Syllabus for 3/19-23

WHAT IS AT THE HEART of Achilles's conflict, and how should we think of him in light of Jungian psychology and Campbell's monomyth? The idylic hero, Achilles is often portrayed as perfect, but as we know, is far from that. What is at the heart of his conflict, and what should we take from his example? After watching the Hollywood butchering of Homer's epic poem, we will finish a paper analyzing Achilles. 


  • Watching Hollywood's version of Homer's Iliad. Some points to watch for: the portrayal of Hector's farewell to Astyanax and Andromache, the bongo playing during Hector and Achilles's fight, and Peter O'Toole's excellent portrayal of Priam, asking for Hector's corpse's return. All else is sound and fury...
  • You should have finished reading and annotating Homer's Iliad. Spend this week finishing your annotations, which I will collect after Spring Break. 


  • Finishing the film version of Homer's Iliad. We will also read chapter seven of Adam Nicolson's excellent book Why Homer Matters, "Homer the Real."
  • Our next book will be a novel, The Life of Pi. Obtain your copy of that novel this week:


  • Meeting in computer lab W-231 to work on essay on Achilles. 
  • Work on your essay. 


  • Meeting in computer lab W-231 to work on essay on Achilles. 
  • Work on your essay. 


  • In lab W-231 to finish your essay.
  • No homework over break, save to obtain your copy of Yann Martel's The Life of Pi.