Syllabus for 3/30 through 4/3

GREETINGS, ONLINE SCHOLARS! Our administration is attempting to make online learning more manageable for all of us, creating a split-day schedule. In a typical week, our English class falls on GREEN days, and except for shortened weeks, we will run class twice a week. BLUE days are when your other classes meet. And GREY days are set aside for longer term projects, and office hours where you can communicate with teachers (via email, phone, video-conferencing). To help you manage this schedule, I will keep our calendar as it has been both here on Squarespace and on Canvas. 


  • No classes will meet today. Teachers are conferencing with the Administration and making adjustments to their courses to fit with the new schedule the Administration has created


  • The English Department will keep office hours on GREY days from 12:50-1:50. I will either be responding to email live, or be hosting a live Q&A via Zoom, or possibly both.

  • HW: You should have read book 18 already in Homer's Iliad.


  • On Blue Days, you will working primarily working on Early Bird through periods four.

  • There will NOT be additional homework assignments on these days. Neither will we have planned, classroom activities.

  • You MAY work on assignments from your other classes on these days, but that’s up to you. Schedule your day as it works best for you.


  • Complete the short writing assignment on Canvas.  Carefully re-read the description of Achilles' shield in book 18, lines 515-661. What does the god Hephastus place upon Achilles' new shield, and why is this imagery significant?

  • At 12:50, our class will meet for a Zoom, classroom wide discussion about communities in crisis. Students can access that meeting via the link I emailed to your student account, or on the Canvas syllabus.

  • In our Zoom meeting, I will cover expectations for using this software (private chats, backgrounds, and eating are out; sitting upright, camera at eye-level are in). 

  • You will use the second part of “classtime” to continue reading through Homer's Iliad. We will read only the last part of book 20, lines 315-525  (Achilles facing Hector in battle the gods interferring with the conflict). NOTE: We are skipping book 19.

  • HW: Read and annotate books 21 and 22.

FRIDAY: Second Grey Day

  • From 12:50 to 1:50 today I will be available to take any questions about 3rd quarter grades. You should only reach out for a conference if you see a missing assignment in the canvas gradebook AND if you believe your grade is lower than it should be.

  • Next week, Monday and Wedensday are blue days, Tuesday and Thursday are green days. No school Friday for the religious holiday, so no grey days next week.