Syllabus for October 1-5
LAST WEEK: We practiced the research skill of analyzing a source objectively, drawing reasonble conclusions based upon the available data, and developing questions to resolve unknowns. This week, in research groups, students will assemble their findings about family, conformity, success, and teenagers in 1950s America. We will also follow Holden into Manhattan, where he will wander (seemingly) aimlessly as a cloud after being expelled from Pency Prep.
Our discussion will shift slightly, but importantly, from Friday’s “Who is Holden?” to “What does Holden care about?” We will practice the Great Books discussion format again.
HW: Read chapter 8 in The Catcher in the Rye.
Meeting again in small research groups to begin compiling your “see, think, and wonder” observations about the Life magazines and New Trier yearbooks. In groups, students will share annotations in CITR, and we will then discuss Holden’s view of religion small groups.
HW: Read chapter 9 in The Catcher in the Rye.
Today in research groups, students will assemble their evidence and create a biography for their sources.
HW: Read chapter 10 in The Catcher in the Rye.
What prompts Holden to lie on the train to the mother of his acquantence? What does Holden see through his hotel window, and what does he make of it? What do the events in the Lavender Room with the ladies from Seattle demonstrate about Holden? What argument is Salinger making about American society in these scenes?
HW: Read chapters 11-12, and complete journals on chapters 8-10.
No class for fall break.
HW: Read chapters 11-12, and complete journals for chapters 8-10.