Syllabus for October 22-27

AS HOLDEN WANDERS NEW York, he ponders American life philosophically. What does this philosopher make of American life? What is the ideal life, according to Holden? How has America lost its way, according to Holden? What do the symbols of Holden’s life mean in the context of his philosophy? Our study of the novel deepens.


  • Discussion, through chapter 21. What does Holden propose that he and Sally do? Why does this appeal to Holden, and why wouldn’t it appeal to Sally? Subsequently, we will move to his conversation with Luce. What is this conversation about?

  • HW: Work on journals throughout this week, catching up with where the class is with the reading.


  • Reading chapter 22 together. Then, small group discussion of what Holden says about Allie’s funeral and the record he bought for Phoebe. Time permitting, short lecture on what the novel from a post-war perspective. How is Holden’s search for meaning parallel to America’s post-war optimism?

  • HW: Work on the journals.



  • Our novel opens with Holden visiting Mr. Spencer, a former teacher. As we approach the end of the novel, he visits another teacher, Mr. Antolini. How are these teachers significantly different? How is their advice similar? What do we make of this second teacher?

  • HW: Read chapter 24


  • Lecture/class discussion on Mr. Antolini’s question to Holden in chapter twenty-four,, “What’s the trouble?”

  • HW: Post your answer relative to other moments in chapter 24 that we should discuss. Read chapters 25-26, working on journals. I will collect your annotations on Tuesday of next week, and will collect your journals a week from this coming Monday.