Syllabus for November 26-30
WHAT IS LIFE LIKE FOR A BLACK American man growing up in relative poverty, in a community beset with social ills like crime and drug addiction? We will explore this issue alongside implicit bias with an independent non-fiction memoir/biography entitled The Other Wes Moore, the story of a black American youth who grows up to find success and happiness alongside another black American child with the same name, whose life takes a significantly different turn. We will be reading Orwell’s 1984 once done with this text, so purchase both.
No school….snow day!
HW: Have your copy of The Other Wes Moore in class tomorrow.
In class reading.
HW: Revisit the assignment sheet on the resource page for The Other Wes Moore. There’s audio files for our text, as well as a duplicate of the assignment sheet.
Introduction to conversations on race, “Jump In!” Then SSR from our independent reading.
HW: You should have reading through page 62 for class tomorrow, having finished part one.
Starting an in class documentary on race today.
HW: Begin reading part two. You should have read through page 123 by class on Tuesday.
Discussion on part one.
HW: Reading The Other Wes Moore.