Syllabus for January 28 - February 1

WE ENJOY FREEDOM ON an historically unprecedented scale in 21st century America. It can be hard to understand how a government might sanction and exercise torture as a method of information control, as a matter of policy. Yet, in recent history, humanity has descended into genocide, and proves time and again that where power corrupts absolutely, so too will our moral compass fail. Where do we see Orwell’s prediction of information control coming true? When, in recent history, has humanity organized itself with the explicit purpose of controlling and violently manipulating people?


  • Review of final. Students will re-read their essays and write a short, in-class reflection on a) what about the essay would they change, in a revision, and b) how might the writer better accomplish those ends in a timed-writing setting?

  • HW: Read chapter two of part three in 1984


  • Small group discussion. Where do we see Orwell’s prediction of information control coming true, IRL?

  • HW: Read part three, chapter three.


  • No school due to weather.

  • HW: Finish reading part three, chapter four.


  • Possibly no school? In the event we do NOT meet, you should finish reading the novel. We will discuss the ending on Friday. If we do have school, we will discuss chapters three and four, and I will present information about English course choices for next year.

  • HW: Finish reading the novel.


  • Discuss the end of 1984. If 1984 is Orwell’s dystopian novel is a warning, what is he warning us about? How is his novel still a pertinent? Do we need to be worried that “Big Brother’ might actually come to power?

  • HW: Read both the afterword, and “The Principles of Newspeak” for class on Monday. I will collect annotations on Monday! So double check your annotations; they should include vocabulary, questions, and notes on the themes of power/truth. Remember, your annotations should reflect the reader’s thoughtful dialogue with the text, about the author’s message.