Syllabus for March 11 - 15
WHAT DOES DEBT AND LIFE IN LONDON do to Pip? How is he changing in his behaviors, relative to his treatment of people formerly close to him (Joe and Biddy), relative to spending of money (gathering debt), respective to his relationship with Estella (hoping for marriage—but will that happen)? And finally, is he correct in assuming that Mrs. Havisham, whom he supposes is his secret benefactor, has his best interests at heart?
Lecture on chapters 31, 32, and 33: the theater, the jail, and the woman. How do each of these experiences relate to one another? How is Mr. Wopsle, Mr. Wemmick, and Estella guides to Pip in an unfamiliar and often hostile world?
HW: Read chapter 34 tonight, wherein Pip and Herbert begin to take stock of their financial situation.
Examining youth as a work force. How do Pip and Herbert try to come to terms with their increasing expendiures? Today we will exaimine the financial side of Dickens’s novel, and will discuss creating a financial spreadsheet of your assets and debts over a week. We will also pick up the documentary, “Victorian Slum House,” focusing on the child labor aspects of Victorian London.
HW: Read chapter thirty-five and thirty-six (approx. 14 pages).
Funerals and friends. Pip confronts death for the first time, returning home for his sister’s funeral. Later, after his conversation with Joe and Biddy, Pip comes of age and receives news from Mr. Jaggers. Chapter 36 ends with Pip’s visit to Mr. Wemmick at Walworth. Small group analyssis of these chapters via small group discussion.
HW: Complete the written responses, with evidence, for class tomorrow. Only answer questions #1-5. Leave 6 and 7 for in class tomorrow.
In class reading of chapters 37. We will answer #6 and 7 in class tomorrow, after reading together. Then, just as we drew Mrs. Haversham’s Satis House, we will draw Wemick’s Castle.
HW: Finish your drawing of the castle, take a picture of it, and upload it to this folder.
Watching the remainder of 1870s in the documentary “Victorian Slum House.”
HW: Read chapters 38 and 39, up through the end of the second stage of Pip’s expectations.