Syllabus for April 15-18
HOW WOULD DICKENS DEFINE a successful life?
Pip has hoped to become a better person in life. Has he succeeded, or not? If so, how so? If not, how not? Large group discussion of what makes for a successful life in class today.
HW: Reading chapter 54 tonight.
Lest we forget the cultural context for novel, we will watch episode three of Elizabethan Slum House today in class.
HW: Read chapter 55 and 56 tonight.
Either today or tomorrow, we will finish watching the 1946 film version of GE.
HW: Finish reading the novel. Annotations will be due on Monday.
The novel clearly presents the notion that Pip has “great expectations” in life. Does he satisfactorily achieve those expectations? What does it mean to have great expectations, in Dickens’s view? What makes for a “great” life? Large group discussion.
HW: No homework over Easter/Passover break. If your annotations are not complete, kindly finish them.
No school for Good Friday and Passover/Easter weekend.
HW: Annotations in Great Expectations will be due on Monday.