Syllabus for April 29-May 3
WE’VE FINISHED WATCHING TWO interpretations of Dickens’s classic, including an abbreviated version developed by creators of South Park, Parker and Stone. Last week, we brainstormed and planned a paper and began drafting, spending two days in the computer lab. This week, we will begin working on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. We have both an audio version of the play and the visual version of the play to assist students with their reading in the following google drive folder. Make good use of these resources, as they are here for a reason.
Working in lab W-231 to draft your essay. What is the most important, less obvious lesson in Dickens’s Great Expectations.
HW: Tomorrow we are starting our work on Shakespeare’s Macbeth, or the Scottish Play, as it is known. Your should have a first draft of the Dickens paper in class on Wednesday.
Documentary on Shakespeare. Who was he? What can we know about him? Why is the Swan of Avon studied throughout English speaking countries world-wide?
HW: First draft of the essay is due on Wednesday.
Beginning our work on Macbeth. Today we will start reviewing an introduction to the play in our GF. I will start meeting with students individually for writing conferences.
HW: Begin gathering lists of bildungsroman novels for discussion tomorrow. These should NOT be in the “young adult” category, NOR should you have read them previously. See the assignment sheet for more information.
Documentary on Shakespeare’s grave. It’s a CSI look into his tomb, wherein scientists and archaeologists team up to investigate whether the Bard’s grave has been disturbed, and his skull stolen, or not.
HW: Post your three novel choices here. You should also begin researching the novels using New Trier Library’s literary resource center, as well as Novelist.
Posting your selections for the bildungsroman project. We will finish yesterday’s documentary.
HW: By class on Tuesday, students should have posted their three novel selections, as well as a written summary of published book reviews, written in your own words. Where able, I will continue to meet to discuss essays.