Syllabus for Sept. 18-22

LAST WEEK: We reviewed our classroom procedures for in-class discussions, and began talking about freedom--or lack thereof--in the novel, When the Emperor was Divine. I collected these discussion notes, both pre-and-post discussion notes. We watched a speech that contained both narrative and exposition as a model for a take home essay on freedom: Which freedom is most important to you? Finally, we did review both course expectations and the academic integrity policy. 


  • In class writing on character. We're meeting in 377-N. This will be collected and issued a completion grade, and will provide me with another baseline for your writing. We will use the freedom narrative, this character analysis, as well as your freshmen portfolio essay for a stylistic improvement plan. 
  • HW: Review your annotations for OBJECTS. How does this writer describe things in a symbolic way? In preparation for tomorrow's discussion, pull together a list of artifacts in the novel that seem to have symbolic meaning. 


  • Object discussion. Which object best captures the writer's view of freedom/lack of freedom? We will start our discussion with some pre-writing, then discuss, and close with some post-writing. 
  • Hw: Re-read pages 118 through 139. For this section, I want you to re-annotate. In so doing, you should 1) circle words that are either vocabulary, or indicate an author's intent; 2) write questions that you have, whatever they are (plot based, or thematic/interpretive); and 3) make note of anything that would answer this question: what does Otsuka want her readers to realize about themselves via the Japanese-American prisoners's experiences upon release?


  • Annotation discussion. We'll look at a few passages you marked, and a few you likely should have noted. This will close our work on the summer reading. 
  • HW: Review the materials in your freshmen portfolio. Think about what would go into an improvement plan (for your essay writing skills). We will sign up tomorrow for meetings that will take place Friday thru Friday.


  • Signing up for writing improvement plan conferences. Students will write this plan in class today. We will also begin work on our first novel, The Lord of the Flies. 
  • HW: Read chapter one of LOTF.


  • No class because of early dismissal. 
  • HW: Finish reading chapter one of LOTF. For annotations, you need to circle words, write questions, and annotate for this theme: What personalities emerge from the survivors on the island?