Claims for paper on CITR

Having read the entire novel, what do you think Salinger wants us—his learned audience—to realize about society, through the eyes of Holden Caufield? What do YOU think readers should realize as a result of Holden’s example?

Write a two part claim and post it here. The claim should take a stand on what you think Salinger wants us to realize about his novel (i.e.: what we learn about society via Holden), and then what YOU realize about the novel. In other words, you are loosely explaining what Salinger wants his reader to get from Holden, and what you think we should get from Holden.

Before posting, you should type your claim, print your claim, and read it aloud to three peers in the lab. Then, revise your claim, and only then post it as a reply to this post.

Remember to include in your claim a preview of your thinking, or reasons, that support your idea. Do NOT go into your evidence. If you get so far as to write, “For example,” you are going beyond explaining reasons, and are in fact giving evidence.