Syllabus for Feb. 12-16
BRING YOUR COPY OF GREAT EXPECTATIONS into my office this week, Wednesday through Friday, during periods 1, 3, 4, 7, or 8. I want to take a quick look at your annotations and make certain that you are writing thematic questions while you read. Students who do that will earn some points towards their annotation grade (and those who don't, won't).
- Discussion: What is Joe's imact on Pip? We have already discussed that while he surely is somewhat of a father figure, in regards his relationship with Mrs. Joe, he is more peer and ally than authoritarian figure. What does Pip derive from Joe's attention? Why does Joe gain from his inherited nephew beyond another mouth to feed?
- HW: Read chapter twelve in Great Expectations (GE).
- Part one of "Victorian House," a documentary about living in England during Charles Dickens's lifetime. This is what we would have watched last Friday, had we not have had a snow day.
- Hw: Reading chapters thirteen AND fourteen. Review your annotations in preparation for tomorrow's discussion.
- Discussion: How is Pip shaped by guilt? What is it that Pip requires in order to become a whole, healthy person? Or does Pip already have that which he requires to be successful in Victorian England?
- HW: Reading chapter fifteen.
- Discussion: What is the effect of Estella upon Pip? How does Pip react to her, and how does Estella treat her in kind? How does Dickens portray Satis House and Mrs. Havisham?
- HW: Read chapter sixteen.
- Crossword Friday. Today we will work through the language up to this point in the book.
- HW: Finish the crosswords started in class. Reading chapters seventeen and eighteen.