Syllabus for March 12-16
WE FINISH PART TWO of Great Expectations this week. What do you suppose Dickens says about social class through Pip's education and experiences in London? Is, as Pip seems to think, Estella destined to become his wife? And if so, what awaits them in marriage: blissful family life akin to the Pockets or tumultuous survival akin to the Gargarys?
- Revisiing the class divides suggested by Victorian Slum House. Apart from his connection to Newcastle Gaol and Mr. Jaggers's profession as lawyer, Pip would be insulated from the lower-class plebian life of London's East-End. Is Pip being educated for something better? Or for something more exclusive? We will return to the crossword for the last 10 minutes of class.
- HW: Read chapter 39, the last of part two in Great Expectations (GE).
- Is the good fortune which has befallen Pip actually good fortune? Class discussion on the revelation of Pip's true benefactor. How does this change our view of Pip's fortune yesterday? How does the benefactor's identity change the story? How does that change Dickens's readers' experience? Time permitting, we will return to the crossword for a bit.
- Hw: Read chapter 40.
- Today we will listen to chapter 41 and will discuss in class.
- HW: Finish reading chapter 42 for homework tonight.
- Returning to our google sheet, adding questions on the novel.
- HW: Read chapter 43 and 44.
- Working on the fourth crossword for Great Expectations.
- HW: Reading and annotating chapters 45 through and including chapter 47. That will put us on page 346 in our edition.