Syllabus for April 9-13

THIS WEEK WE FINISH OUR READING of Great Expectations. We will have a few days of discussion around some of the novel's endings, in regard Magwitch's end; the marriages of Wemmick and Miss Skiffins, and Joe and Biddy; and Pip's illness and reconciliation with Joe and Estella. We will end the week in the library to identify an independent-reading, a coming-of-age novel that you will both read and research. We will also begin working on a paper on Dickens's novel. 


  • Discussion on Magwitch's role in Pip's life. What is Magwitch to Pip? We will start with an in-class journal, conduct a small group discussion, and then read selections from three sources on the topic. 
  • HW: If you haven't done so, you should finish reading Great Expectations. Finish reading the selections and add to your notes, so we can discuss as a large class the role that Magwitch plays in the bildungsroman


  • Suffering the pre-SAT & other cruel and unusual forms of punishment. 
  • Hw: Same as yesterday. 


  • Discussing the weddings between Joe and Biddy, and Merrick and Miss. Skffins, especially in light of the fact that Pip and Estella do NOT become a couple. What does the novel say about Pip's great "romantic" expectations and the importance of relationships?
  • HW: Tonight, begin searching for a list of FIVE possible, independent reading novels. They should be coming of age novels, much like the texts we have read in class this year. They may NOT be "young adult" novels, or those classified in that section of the public library. You can NOT have read them previously. Finally, they MUST hold up to some analytical scrutiny and have some published criticism. 


  • Meeting in library. 
  • HW: Write your claim for a paper on Dickens' Great Expectations. After studying the novel, the MOST important idea expressed by the novel is: _________________ . Knowing this, one comes to better appreciate: __________________. Post this in our shared google document. Continue building your list of novels. 


  • In library to complete preliminary research on independent reading novels. 
  • HW: Having revised your claim, develop supporting reasons for your core claim. Have them typed and printed for class on Monday, approx 1/2 page in length and formal in tone.