Dick and Jane Readers in the 1950s

Click on the above image to watch two, short segments on Dick and Jane readers.

Click on the above image to watch two, short segments on Dick and Jane readers.

Friday, we will examine the following image using the K-T-W (know-think-wonder) method of analysis. We will start with objective, factual examination. What do you objectively see? Write a list of details that you see. Secondly, how do you interpret these facts? What does the image mean? What conclusions can you draw, based upon what you objectively observe. Finally, what questions do we—the observers—have, given what we see and think? What should we research to find out more about the image, and what the image means?

After analyzing the image individually, we will discuss what you see as a class. After that discussion, the class will watch two short video clips about Dick and Jane readers. Click on the image above to view the video.