Syllabus for February 19 & 21

THIS WEEK WE CONTINUE OUR ANALYSIS of Dickens’s novel. Because last weekend was no-homework, we will review two chapters in class, and work on smaller-group analysis during class. As Pip continues to visit Satis House, what do you make of his interactions with Ms. Havisham and Estella? What purpose does the appearance of the man with file mean? No class on Monday for Presidents Day, Wednesday for ACT Testing & Career Day, and Friday for Institute Day.


  • Reading chapter eight together in class. While listening, you are to answer the following question on paper, creating a drawing that illustrates the details of Dickens’s vision: Who is Ms. Havisham, and where does she live? This illustration should capture the details of both the character and setting, should use color, and will be shared with other students in class on Thursday.

  • Homework: Read chapter 9, and finish your illustration for class on Thursday.


  • Question check in. Students will post questions on last night’s reading on a shared google sheet. In small groups, students will share character/setting illustrations, take and share pictures of these using a google folder. Subsequently, we will read chapter ten together.

  • Homework: Reading chapters 11-13.