Syllabus starting November 11
WHY DOES SALINGER CHOOSE CENTRAL PARK for the primary setting of the novel? Why is Central Park so important to Holden? As we gear up to begin our study of The Lord of the Flies, we will start the week in the library, working on a research project on the iconic park.
Small group pair and share of research results. Students will ensure the writer has covered the four areas in the paragraph ( a) the author’s background and expertise; b) background on the publisher; c) other sources mentioned; d) content of the source. Specifically, they should write questions on the AB, of each source, as applicable.
HW: Begin revising your annotated bibliography. A new draft is due Monday.
In class writing Posting paragraphs about your research results. What’s important to know about Central Park? Sharing your findings via squarespace.
HW: Read the entries posted by students in both 5th and 6th period.
Collecting CITR. Discussion of why Salinger uses Central Park as the central setting for Holden’s experiences in New York. Subsequently reading a Jstor article, literary analysis of the novel, comparing it to Elliot’s “The Wasteland,” examining the importance of landscape in the novel.
HW: Continue to revise your AB. If you didn’t finish reading the essay in class, please finish reading it tonight.
Watching to clips from Olmsted documentaries. How is the history of the park tied to how Salinger uses the park in his novel? How is Central Park a refuge for Holden? We’re taking notes, and I’m collecting notes.
HW: Pick up your copy of Lord of the Flies, with introduction by Steven King.
Does evil exist? If so, can evil control and overpower good? Prereading for Lord of the Flies, and discussion about the nature of good versus evil.
HW: Read the first chapter of LOTF.