Syllabus starting December 9
AS THE CONDITIONS ON THE ISLAND DETERIORATE, Ralph struggles to maintain control of the boys, young and old. He cites in his speech on the platform: lack of fresh drinking water, contamination from defecation, out-of-control cooking fires, and lack of coordinated rescue efforts. Perhaps most important is the overall morale of the boys: they are frightened. They are hyper-focused upon hunting. Their disorganization means they will never be rescued, save by good luck. How does Ralph attempt to maintain order? Why do these attempts ultimately fail?
Examining mob psychology with partners, reading aloud to one another, circling vocabulary, and writing connections to LOTF in the margins. Once done, students should read through an overview of “Classical Rhetoric 101” to better understand Ralph’s speech on the platform (reading up to Medeival rhetoric). You should also review this page, which covers some of the basic terminology. (the three means of persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos).
HW: Finish the chapter five study guide for homework tonight.
We will start into chapter six, “Beast from the Air.” How is any logical advances made by Ralph dissipated by the flapping beast on the mountain top?
HW: Read chapter seven, “Shadows and Tall Trees.”
Small group analysis of chapters six and seven.
HW: Reading chapter eight, “Gift for the Darkness.”
in class discussion. How—and why—have the boys failed to maintain order? Why have the ancient Greek rhetorical devices failed, and mob psychology succeeded in leading the boys toward their collective doom?
HW: Read the second half of chapter nine for class tomorrow, “A View to a Death.”
We will watch the escape and rescue of Chuck Noland in “Castaway.”
HW: Finish the worksheet on chapters eight and nine.