Syllabus starting May 4
THE URGENCY TO PROTECT UNCLE PROVIS FROM Covington becomes the primary focus of our tale at this point. Increasingly, Covington makes his presence known, though he remains an enigma to both Pip and the reader. Our reading last week has begun to unravel the mystery around Mrs. Havisham, Jaggers, Molly, and Magwitch. What inspires Jaggers to liberate Molly’s child? What prompts Pip to forgive Mrs. Havisham for toying with him, a mere child? What fuels Covington’s pursuit of Magwitch, and why doesn’t Magwitch leave London immediately, saving himself from a potential death penalty? All will soon be revealed…
Today is a grey day, and you can meet with me during Zoom office hours 12:50 and 1:50 pm.
Check Canvas announcements for the link to Zoom.
Our activities in class tomorrow will be contingent upon more students completing their questions in the shared google sheet, “Great Expectations questions Part 2.” By class tomorrow, students should have read and posted one question per chapter, up to chapter 52.
I have triple checked the zoom links this week. The link didn’t work because Canvas added a “%20” marker in front of the HTML link. I’ve manually corrected that, and class should run smoothly this week.
5th period meets at 9 am; 6th period meets at 10:10 am. Links are on Canvas.
We will either discuss the revelation about Mrs. Havisham’s adoption of Estella and the implications it has for Pip’s relationship with Magwitch, OR we will read paragraphs that were posted last week, “poking holes” in arguments, ensuring our claims are a) debatable; b) insightful; c) address opposing points-of-view. I will point our lingering stylistic issues.
Chapter 53 (376-387)
Post your question for chapter 53 on the shared google document.
Today’s zoom meeting, like Wednesday’s, is linked from the syllabus on Canvas.
9 am start time for 5th period; 10:10 start time for 6th period.
We will continue reading through paragraphs, poking holes in arguments, and addressing stylistic issues in your writing.
Time permitting, we will discuss the revelations in chapter 53.
HW: Read chapters 54-56 (387-412) Remember to add your reader’s questions to the google sheet as you make progress.