Syllabus for Feb. 19-23
FORGOT TO BRING IN YOUR copy of Great Expectations to my office? You have two more chances to gain points beore it becomes a NTE (50%) grade. If you bring it in on Thursday you will receive 16/20 points, and if you bring it in on Friday you will receive 14/20 points. To date, we have read up through and including chapter eighteen of our novel.
- No school for institute day.
- HW: Read chapter eighteen in Great Expectations (GE).
- Part one of "Victorian House," the second episodea documentary about living in England during Charles Dickens's lifetime. Subsequently, we will finish working on the crossword puzzles from Friday.
- Hw: Crossword puzzles are due Wednesday.
- Collecting both crosswords and illustrations of Mrs. Havisham, and then reading chapter 19 together in class.
- HW: Finish reading chapter nineteen for homework. This will end our reading of part one of Dickens's GE! Reflect on your marginal notes: What point is Dickens making about life, through Pip's example? And what is the MOST important idea that Dickens confronts us with?
- Discussion: After reading part one, what is the MOST important think to know about Dickens's novel (not what happens in the book, but what you think about what happens)? We will hold a discussion on this issue.
- HW: Read chapter twenty and twenty-one.
- Returning to part two of the "Victorian Slum House" documentary.
- HW: Reading chapters twenty-two through twenty-four.