Syllabus for Week 8, October 14 2013
Monday, October 14
No school for Columbus Day. HW: Read through and including page 50 of The Life of Black Hawk.
Tuesday, October 15
Discussion of Black Hawk's narrative. What about his narrative strikes you as singular? What tone does he seek to create? Which parts of his narrative are most memorable, and why? We will start class with a writer's notebook entry about a moment in the story you connected with, and later in class an entry about his narrative style, and what struck you as interesting or important. HW: Finish reading the narrative for class on Thursday. Remember to: a) circle vocabulary, and b) annotate for stylistic / narrative techniques.
Wednesday, October 9
No class on account of PSAT and PLAN tests.
Thursday, October 10
Writer's Notebook: Write a narrative (with clarity) about a memory that you barely recall (create detail). Final discussion of Black Hawk. HW: Reading short takes narrative and answering the S/T and I/O questions, due Monday.
Friday, October 11
The Writer's Autobiography assignment. Overview of the actual essay, and drafting. HW: Sketch out a working structure for the essay, and begin brainstorming material for the essay, due one week from this Monday, October 28.