Syllabus for week of December 8
LAST WEEK we examined the issue of race relations in America. Our readings should have provided you with some sense of how writers explore one topic in a myriad of ways, so that when you are drafting your memoir, you can think a bit outside of the box, relative to what and how you write about yourself.
- In-class SSR of a lovely, detailed memoir-based narrative about an abandoned house that teenagers ransack.
- HW: Finish reading the "House on Loon Lake" story. Remember to bring your independent memoirs to class this week.
- Journal: What story does the photo tell (woman working skate rental counter)? Silent reading of independent memoirs.
- HW: You should have finished reading these books by next Friday. Revisit the calendar you created, revising this plan for completion as needed.
- Journal: What story does the photo tell (federal express box)? Everyone is to produce one page of their working memoir by the end of period, typed and emailed as an attachment to me at: Please be certain to type your name on the document you create.
- HW: R & W--continuing to read your independent memoir, and writing your memoir.
- Journal: select one technique that your author returns to again and again, providing examples of the technique and explaining why the technique works. Reading day...SSR of independent memoir.
- HW: More reading and writing of memoirs.
- If we were to create a textbook along the lines of Short Takes--one that excerpted your memoir, and thus provided insight into your author's work and life--what pages would you choose? Is there a section? A passage? A series of encounters? What would that passage be? Identifying one for your memoir, and looking at a passage from my chosen memoir...
- HW: Plan on having your memoir finished by class on Friday.