Syllabus for Week of February 17


No school for Presidents' Day. HW: Finish your written analysis of the author's style and the memoir that you read independently. Your analysis and the excerpt is due Wednesday. I will need both an electronic and a hard copy in class on the 19th.


No school on account of the district wide institute day. HW: See Monday.


Staple your memoir analysis and excerpt, and share in small group, reflecting on process.  The idea box, and generating ideas for that (due in box tomorrow).   Short takes discussion on last two essays read, "I Was a Member of the Kung-Fu Crew" and "The Handicap of Definition," and choosing one to write for class on Friday. HW: Short takes essay due at start of class on Friday.


Installing the object essay that we wrote first semester. HW: The copycat essay will be due this Wednesday.. Remember that the subject matter is open, and doesn't matter as much as emulating your author's style. This is an exercise in writing, not writing a fine essay, per se.


Discussion #2, short takes essay.  As we did with the first discussion we will take volunteers to read their essay. HW: