Syllabus for March 10
In class journal on an art form you would like to explore (this should be one you have never tried, know nothing about, but would enjoy exploring). Discussion of "Shapinsky's Karma" HW: Begin reading about your chosen art form.
A classroom in search of an art-form. Today we will explore in greater depth the art form that you find interesting. HW: Write an annotated bibliography, 3-5 sources, on your art form / artist that you have selected.
Brief discussion on the annotated art bibliography. Then reading the essay, "Singing Like Yma Sumac," and working on essay question number one, due in class on Friday. HW: Drafting the essay about a subject familiar to you, unfamiliar to the audience. If needed, revise and reprint your annotated bibliography on your art form.
In the Library? Check the door to see. HW: Come to class prepared to have your essay workshopped. Remember: print one sided, name in top right, no staples.
Workshop of 2-3 essays on the well-known but novel. Remember, everyone will have another piece workshopped by the end of second semester. HW: Select ONE work by your artist and write a thorough analysis of it. Include the commentary of other experts, and your views as well. Use MLA format. On Monday, bring your copy of Sophocles' Oedipus Cycle. We will start reading that on Monday.