- Journal: If you weren't a person, and had to be a thing, what thing would you be? Collecting, scanning, and then posting the descriptive object essays. We will model a workshop on an object essay, the floor. Remember our workshop principles: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? These questions should be in the back of your mind during every workshop experience. The object of the workshop is to help the writer improve their work. Toward that end, we need critical and constructive observations.
- HW: Begin reading an annotating the object essays in preparation for workshop. You MUST read and annotate the essays before class, the night before. It is NOT acceptable to complete first readings during workshop. Tonight through Wednesday night, you will want to complete your writer's notebook assignments.
- Object workshop.
- HW: Finish reading an annotating the object essays.
- Object workshop.
- HW: You will want to begin researching memoirs that you might want to read. Ultimately, you will want a list of ten titles that you will narrow to your top five. For those top five, you will want to read the opening pages--the first 7-10 pages--and write a short stylistic analysis on that work. How does the memoir begin? What--if anything--captures the reader's interest? What are the stylistic fingerprints that you can discern from the short selection? This top-ten list will be due on Monday.
- Object workshop.
- HW: Remember that after you have "workshopped" your object essay, I want you to complete and submit the student evaluations using the following scale:
- Ideally, we will finish the object essay workshop today.
- HW: Complete your list of memoirs. You will want to submit these as an annotated bibliography. Rather than alphabetizing your list, I want you to number them in order of preference, one being you first choice, ten being your least favorite. Remember that the first five should have short paragraphs analyzing the memoir's style.