Week 5 Syllabus, 9/21/15
INDIVIDUAL COLLEGE-ESSAY CONFERENCES are now complete. For purposes of the course, we are done with the college application essay assignment. We won't be spending more class time on them.However, should you want me to take a look at other application essays, feel free to stop in my office, 330.
Last week we focused on descriptive writing as it relates to place. This week, we will focus on persona. Journal entry on your most fascinating acquaintance. Reading "You'll Love the Way We Fly," essay, and then discussing the OTIS questions.
HW: Missed your college essay conference? See me outside of class to make that up. Those who did NOT turn in revised essays should do so tomorrow. Type answers to the OTIS questions for "You'll Love the Way We Fly!"
- Grading the OTIS questions in class (honor system). I will lecture on her organization and stylistic technique. We will then revisit your place essays, checking them for sensory detail.
- HW: Typed place essay due Thursday.
- No school for Yom Kippur.
- HW: Have your place essays typed. Single spaced. 12 pt. font. All on ONE SIDE of ONE PAGE. Name in top right hand corner. Give it a title. Please, something more creative than "place essay."
- These place essays will be our first workshop. I will collect them, scan them, and distribute them electronically. You need to prepare to download them as a pdf, save your changes, and print them out for your notes indicated. Besides reading place essays, we will look at "Tommy" in Short Takes.
- HW: Read chapter five of SBBD.
- Sentence diagramming lesson #3. We will also discuss the fifth chapter of Sister Bernadette.
- HW: Reading chapter three of of BGS.