Week 3 Syllabus, 1/18/16

WHERE DOES INSPIRATION should be both a record of a writer's come from? How do writers get their ideas? We ended the week by reading an essay on Iraq's last dictator, Sadaam Hussein in "Tales of a Tyrant." We are increasingly turning our lens outward, away from self and towards the world around us. Where do these writers get their ideas? How do they know what's worth writing about?


  • No class on account of the Dr. King, Jr. seminar day. As the day progresses, you can keep notes and thoughts in your writer's journals. There will be some great opportunities to add to your journal!
  • HW:  Because we didn't have all the essays, and because we didn't start the workshop, you should finish reading "Tales of a Tyrant." We will have an in-class writing assignment on the essay on Wednesday. 


  • Starting class with a journal based upon footage of the late 1970s footage of Maxwell Street in Chicago. From there, we will begin revising your sentence diagrams. I have sent out a pdf scan of their drafts turned in last week. You can use these to revise your diagrams. 
  • HW: Revisions to the diagrams are due Friday. We will grade them then (and if and when we receive a response from the guru of sentence-diagramming, Dr. Eugene Moutoux himself).


  • In class writing assignment on "Tales of the Tyrant." For the second half of class, we will begin our workshop on the verb essays. 
  • HW: Read through the journal entries. Remember that you should comment only on the major issue with the essay. What is the most important revision? Do NOT fill up the page with editorial marks. You are providing editorial advice for revision, not editing the essay. 


  •  Continuing with the verb workshop.
  • HW: Finish reading the verb essays, honing in on ONE issue for each essay that the writer should consider for major revision. 


  • Grading the sentence revisions, continuing with the next diagram lesson. 
  • HW: You will have another essay to read, similar to last week's tyrant essay.