Week 5 Syllabus, 2/1/16

FOR YOUR NEXT ESSAY, YOU WILL WRITE on a given topic in a style similar to that of Wallace. Consider the ________. You are to identify a topic and then illuminate it using non-fiction prose. This week we will analyze Wallace's techniques and sources of evidence. From where does he gather information on his topic?  How does he stylistically create interest in the subject matter? What can you emulate and make your own?


  • We will finish our workshop on the verb essays. Ending class with a journal based upon the opening sequence from American Cheeseburger. The video is here.
  • HW:  Finish reading chapter eight of BGS, " Prompts of Comparison and Speculation." If you haven't completed your revision of the verb essay, do so. Finish the Joan Dideon essay, located here.


  • Discussing Joan Dideon's essay, "On Keeping a Notebook." Have you been able to implement any of her advice to date? What are her essential ideas about notebooks? How can you practice what she preaches?
  • HW: Tonight, implement some of Dideon's advice.


  • Discussion of  "Consider the Lobster," by David Foster Wallace. 
  • HW: You will want to have written and posted your stylistic analysis by the start of class on Thursday.


  •  Second discussion day on "Consider the Lobster." We will look at different examples of lobster from different parts of society. 
  • HW: 


  • Journal: Sentence diagramming David Foster Wallace! We will also look at another exercise from the Guru of Sentence diagramming. 
  • HW: Have a rough outline for your, "Consider the _______" essay on Monday.