Week 7 Syllabus, 2/16
YOU WILL HAMMER OUT YOUR DRAFTS on the Consider the _________ essay. By Thursday, you will want a working bibliography and a first, short draft of your essay, 3-5 pages in length, the bibliography with a poem, newspaper article, short story, and art work upon it. On Thursday and Friday, you will meet and workshop in small group format your initial drafts. Writing over the weekend and on Monday Tuesday will result in a first draft what I will collect on Wednesday, a week from tomorrow. We will start our workshop then, and complete two essays each day from then until the end of the quarter.
- No students at school today for professional development day.
- HW: Writing your first draft of the "Consider the __________," essay.
- Journal entry: What literature--if any--should be read as part of the human experience? Discussion around reading Shakespeare, Sophocles, and other great literary works.
- HW: Completing your research for your project bibliography. Begin writing your first draft.
- In Library for research on topic and drafting of essay. Today you expected to work individually, not in groups. You will have the opportunity to workshop rough drafts in class tomorrow and Friday.
- HW: Writing your essay.
- Small group workshops on the "Consider the ________" essay. You should plan on working through two essays today, and another two tomorrow.
- HW: Final draft due Wednesday.
- Small group workshops on the "Consider the ________" essay. You should finish the final two essays today.
- HW: Final draft due Wednesday. You should read chapter ten of BGS in preparation for sentence diagramming Monday!