¶ on Jay in PSON

What is Jay’s motivation for going to the Philippines? YES, he wants to discover what happens to his cousin Jun. BUT WHY? The answer to that why should be part of your claim.  Write a paragraph in the space below. DO NOT LIST A BUNCH OF REASONS …CHOOSE ONE. Write this ¶ using what you know we have studied in class while writing.

Some tips for revision before posting:

  • Include the author, title, and type of literature in your claim/topic sentence

  • Set up a direct quote with ONE sentence of plot summary, reminding the reader of what was happening at that point in the story. THEN include the direct quote, w/ citation.

  • Commentary connects the dots for your reader (explains your idea, provides additional examples IYOW, makes connections to life outside the story)

  • Do NOT include language like “the most important thing to know is” or “a quote that shows this is” or “this shows that”

  • Don’t refer to the quote, or page numbers in your wording.

  • Avoid vague words like: this, that, show, thing, some, many

  • DO use active verbs.