Week 7 Syllabus: December 9
AS WE RUSH HEAD-LONG INTO FINALS, we will continue to use The Patron Saints of Nothing to prepare for finals. Remember to annotate, for each chapter, using this list of questions/tasks (circle vocab, write out the reader’s questions—theme is your target, but plot questions are fine if those are the questions you have—and answer the questions on the above list.) We will also finalize grades, and missing work, this week.
TUESDAY, December 10
Taking the second quiz on PSON, this one covering pages 111-140.
In small groups, sharing your annotations on “Historical Background: PSON.” This is the 7 page, non-fiction article that discussed the history of the Philippines.
In these groups, students will have one minute to read through their peers’ annotations. Which words did they circle? What questions did they write in the margins? What main ideas did they summarize in the margins?
At end of class, students will read aloud the Jay paragraph written over the weekend.
HW: Catch up day. We are only assigning “The Word of God,” pages 141 through 145.
WEDNESDAY, December 11
Typing your paragraph on Jay from PSON. That assignment is NOT on Canvas…it’s public, on squarespace, here.
Silent, reading day on PSON.
First, review your annotations for each chapter, starting with the posted, guided questions/tasks listed on this google sheet. Make sure you have answered these questions in the margins of the chapter!
Second, review all the vocabulary words that you have circled. Create a “VIC” for the best, most important words, one that you can use as a second bookmark.
Third, read the questions you are writing in the margins. More than just a question mark…what are you writing in the margins? Do you explain the actual question beyond, “Huh?”
HW: Reading the next two chapters, “A New Silence Arrives,” and “Some Small Rebellion.” (pages 146-163) That’s approx 8 pages per night!
FRIDAY, December 13
We will NOT have a quiz on the reading. Quizes will resume AFTER Winter Break. You’re welcome!
Today we will have silent, sustained reading, but using the New Trier Newspaper.
Great books style discussion of Jay’s conversation with Tito Maning about his son’s death.
Reviewing the paragraphs written about Jay. What are the key issues we still need to fix for the final?
Ending the day with reading. You DO have reading homework this weekend…
HW: Reading the next three chapters, “Fail Him in Death," "This Poem is a Typhoon," "Let’s Do It" (pages 164-189) Again, that’s a little more than 7 pages per night.