Week 2 Syllabus: April 3
WE ARE AT THE MID-POINT IN HOMER’S POEM, but are very near the end of Odysseus’ journey to Ithaca. In fact, he is nearly there. Having landed on Scheria, home of the Phaecians, he’s arrived at the LAST island before hitting his home island, Ithaca. We will read about Odysseus meeting Princess Nausicaa, Queen Arete, and King Alcinoos, and also how they transport him home on their magical, self-propelled ship. From there, we will skip the chapters wherein Odysseus spies on the suitors, in disguise of an old, homeless beggar. We will finish the Odyssey next week, as he slays the suitors and then is reunited with his wife, Penelope.
We will start class today by watching the first 9 minutes of a cheesy documentary about grammar, and more specifically about SUBJECTS and PREDICATES, and more specifically what a PHRASE is. Your speaking notes may not include sentences, but only bullet points that are phrases. We will end at minute 9:00.
Writing talking points on a) the author, and b) the plot summary.
Turning to Homer’s Odyssey. We will read book 13 and 16 together, today in class (our edition skips books 14 and 15, and shortens 16).
Ending class with our 20 minutes of SSR.
HW: Finish reading the short version of book 16, and complete the plot summary worksheet for books 13 and 16. We will add notes for book 17 in class on Friday, when we read it together.
FRIDAY, April 5
Returning to our practice with subject and predicate, this time completing two worksheets that will help you identify them. Remember, your oral presentation notes should ONLY consist of bulleted subjects, predicates, or phrases!
Working on writing talking points for the third part of your presentation: c) dramatic reading of an important passage (1+ page in length).
Turning to book 17 and 19 (book 18 is omitted). We will add notes to your worksheet.
SSR at end of class.
HW: Read book 20 in Homer’s Odyssey. We finish the epic poem next week!