Week 3 Syllabus: September 4-8

NOW THAT WE HAVE PRACTICED MOST of our classroom routines—annotation, discussion notes, publishing and discussing writing assignments on Squarespace, submitting homework on Canvas/Squarespace, and in class—we will begin digging into our curriculum. This week we will review Joseph Campbell’s hero journey (monomyth) and apply that overview to the summer reading. This will become particularly important as we consider the other readings we do in class, including Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, Homer’s Odyssey, and Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

TUESDAY, September 5

  • Defining “myth.”

  • Overview of Campbell’s “monomyth.”

  • Watching (and keeping notes on how the hero journey applies to Haroun) a documentary/interview between Campbell and Bill Moyers.

  • Ending by reviewing feedback for annotations (submitting chapter three in class on Thursday).

  • HW: Spend 15-20 minutes researching the “hero journey” as defined by Joseph Campbell, using both the internet (google) and NTHS library’s database. IF you haven’t finished annotating chapter three, review and complete those marginal notes.

THURSDAY, September 7

  • Finishing the documentary/interview by J. Campbell.

  • Shared reading on J. Campbell’s hero journey, in small groups.

  • Time permitting, starting hero journey map of Haroun’s hero journey.

  • HW: Finish your notes on the hero journey for Haroun. Do that on the large, 11x17 note sheet that we used in class on Thursday.. 

  • If you have NOT finished reading Haroun, or missed part of the Campbell interview, get both done this weekend. 

  • BTW, here’s the four different ways of visualizing Campbell's hero journey we looked at in class. These might help you think about. how to take hero-journey notes for Haroun & the Sea of Stories.