Week 4 Syllabus: September 11-15
HOW DOES HAROUN EXPERIENCE CAMPBELL’S hero journey? We will start the week by mapping out that journey, after watching a few selected examples of the hero’s stages—the call to adventure, crossing the threshold, descent/resurrection (death & rebirth), final battle. We will practice writing an analytical paragraph using argument for our organization, and will share that on Squarespace. And then we’ll move into our first unit of study, a selection of short stories that fall neatly into Campbell’s monomyth.
MONDAY, September 11
Reading assessment for 3 level English. All sections are taking this, and today it’s our turn.
Examining a few different film examples of hero journey stages: call to adventure, crossing threshold, rebirth (combined with departure)
Small group work on an illustration of Haroun’s hero journey, similar to those presented in class on Thursday.
HW: Watch this SHORT three minute video about visiting the NF library.
Create your illustration of Haroun’s hero journey on the BACK of the large, 11”x17” note sheet on Campbell’s hero journey. Use words. Use visuals. Make it your own interpretation of his journey! Due Wedensday, in class, on paper.
WEDNESDAY (anchor day)
Writing your paragraph about Haroun’s “monomyth” for class on Wednesday. You will want to have this PRINTED ON PAPER—TYPED that is, so that it can be passed around and read aloud by someone other than yourself.
Check for author-type-title in opening sentence, quote integration, vague language.
HW: Finish your draft of the paragraph and submit it into a text box in Canvas before class tomorrow.
THURSDAY, September 14
Read part one of “The Machine Stops” by E.M. Forrest for class on Thursday. In case you are absent, here’s the story.
We will listen to it and analyze the nature imagery in part one in small groups.
HW: Read parts two AND three of the story, using the questions distributed in class as a guide for your annotations.