Week 2 Syllabus: January 13
This is the next book you will need for class, starting in two weeks: ROMEO+JULIET-FOLGER LIBRARY ED.,UPDATED Author: SHAKESPEARE ISBN: 9781451621709. It’s $10 at the NT bookstore.
OKONKWO IS A MAN OUT OF TIME, A MAN sworn to uphold the ideals, religion and culture of Umofia at a time when the Ibo people were confronted with white, European colonists bent on staking their human, material and cultural capital. Okonkwo chooses his own fate, when his family, people, culture and country has no choice but to either adapt or perish in the face of British colonialism. Is his choice the brave one? The right one? What does Achebe say about Okonkwo’s life, via the novel?
MONDAY, January 13
Review of English course choices for sophomore year (most will sign up for English 2, at the 3 level), including electives in publications/tv & radio)
Reading chapter 21 together.
Small group analysis of novel, Igbo and European religion comparisons.
HW: Read chapter 22, and when doing so, add notes to the comparison t-chart.
WEDNESDAY, January 14
Reading selections from a journal article by Diana Akers Rhodes, “Culture in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.”
While reading, scholars will keep notes on Rhodes’s argument about religion within the novel.
HW: Read chapter 23 of TFA for class on Thursday. You will want to add notes to the religion t-chart for tomorrow’s class.
THURSDAY, January 16
We will start in small groups, sharing out additional religion notes on religion presented in TFA.
HW: Finishing the novel for class on Tuesday. Remember, no school on Monday!