Week 3 Syllabus: January 20
RESEARCH REQUIRES THAT YOU READ AND WRITE about what others have written. It’s the MOST important step, and the one students ignore the most. Don’t you just want to just find your sources, read them, and write your paper? Of course you do. Everyone wants that. But that’s not how research works. First, you need to read a lot, discovering what others have said about the topic. Then, you write about the ideas THESE researches have. From there, you can begin to write about what YOU think, both about the topic AND what others have written. The “review of literature” step, wherein you read what others have written BEFORE writing what you think is a mistake many scholars make.
TUESDAY, January 21
Finishing our reading of Things Fall Apart.
Lecture on Chat GBT. Can it help us find answers? Can it help us find sources?
In small groups, reading our second text, this one recommended by Chat GBT: “4, Cultural Harmony 1: Igboland—the World of Man and the World of Sprits.” In your groups, keep notes on what we learn about the Igbo world view during the late 19th century..
HW: I will collect
Don’t forget, you will need this next week: ROMEO+JULIET-FOLGER LIBRARY ED.,UPDATED Author: SHAKESPEARE ISBN: 9781451621709. It’s $10 at the NT bookstore.
THURSDAY, January 23
We will start in small groups, sharing out results from last night’s reading.
Examining the next article, “6: Cultural Harmony III: Traditional Igbo Religion and Material Customs.”
As with the prior chapter, keep notes on what we learn about the Igbo world view (Okonkwo’s world).
Turning to a third reading, this one NOT recommended by Chat GBT, Nnoromele’s “The Plight of a Hero in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.”
HW: Finish reading the Nnoromele’s article. In class next week we will look at it more closely.