Week 8 Syllabus: December 11-15 (last week of semester 1)
OKONKWO IS A MAN OUT OF TIME, A MAN sworn to uphold the ideals, religion and culture of Umofia at a time when the Ibo people were confronted with white, European colonists bent on staking their human, material and cultural capital. Okonkwo chooses his own fate, when his family, people, culture and country has no choice but to either adapt or perish in the face of British colonialism. Is his choice the brave one? The right one? What does Achebe say about Okonkwo’s life, via the novel?
FINALS: 1ST period will take the final at 2 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 19th in room C-224. 4th period will take it in room B-313, same Bat-time, same, Bat-channel.
MONDAY, December 11
Preparing by finals by revising your paragraphs on the short story of your choosing.
In particular, we will review subject/predicate, and then revise paragraphs to minimize being verbs (linking/helping verbs) and changing some of them to action verbs.
When done, posting paragraphs to Squarespace.
Reading all BUT the last chapter to TFA.
Time permitting, we will start the last section of the documentary on Nigeria (at least, the last one we will watch), this one on “The Women’s Uprising.”
HW: Finish reading TFA.
Check your annotations. They are due Wednesday.
WEDNESDAY, December 13
I will collect and grade your copy of TFA.
Small group reading of article by Nnromole, “The Plight of a Hero in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.”
HW: Finish reading and annotating the article for class tomorrow.
THURSDAY, December 14
Reading and discussing the paragraphs posted on Squarespace.
Finishing the documentary on Nigeria.
HW: Revise and post your FINAL draft of the short story paragraphs by the end of advsiery on Monday. This, along with your annotations of TFA, are the LAST assignments of semester one.