Week 5 Syllabus: February 5
WE LEAVE TELEMACHUS BEHIND TO MEET Odysseus, man of pain, on the island of Calypso the concealer. Moving on from the bildungsroman, we now see Odysseus at his absolute lowest: defeated by monsters, disappointed by irresponsible crew, and abandoned by all Greek gods. No longer the hero of Troy, nor the king of Ithaca, Odysseus will arrive at Scheria, the Phaecian island of King Alcinous and Queen Arete naked, insane with fear, and practically dead. How will Odysseus be reborn as husband, father, and ruler?
MONDAY, Febraury 5
Because of the late-start, our time will be limited. Today we will experiment with a new structure for sharing of your questions.
We will shift from small-group brainstorming of questions to individual listing of annotated questions, to small group stand-and-shares, to “ambassador” style of reporting, and then end with an old-fashioned Q&A.
Our focus will be books 5, 6 and 7.
HW: Read book 8. Here, Odysseus is entertained by the Phaecian king, and we’ll see Odysseus get the chance to demonstrate some of his athletic prowess. But we will also see him break down in tears at Domodokous’ song about the Trojan War.
WEDNESDAY, February 7
We are going to watch clips from The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization to better understand the context of ancient Greek hero-culture.
During the documentary, take notes on the fall of aristocratic rule and the development of democratic government.
HW: Read book 9 for class tomorrow.
Thursday, February 8
Picking up on our Q&A on books 8 and 9.
Time permitting, we will return to the documentary “Crucible of a Civilization.”
HW: Read book 10. Then, this writing assignment: Demodocus sings a song at the request of King Alcinous to entertain Odysseus. He tells a story about Aphrodite and Ares, who are caught in the act (naked) by Aphrodite’s husband, Hephaestus. What is the purpose of this tale, told at this moment, while Odysseus recovers from his lengthy ordeal in Scheria, about to return home to Ithaca? Write this paragraph and post it to Canvas by class on Monday. The assignment is called, “Demodocus’ song.”