Week 6 Syllabus: February 12
THIS IS THE HALF-WAY POINT IN 3RD quarter. As it happens, we are also approaching the half-way point of Homer’s Odyssey. Books 1-4 cover the story of Telemachus (his bildungsroman); books 5-8 cover Odysseus journey to Scheria and meeting King Alcinous and Queen Arete; and books 9-12 detail Odysseus’ retelling of his core adventures/trials. The second 12 chapters will include his return to Ithaca, his planning for revenge, killing the suitors, reuniting with Penelope, and taking control of Ithaca., man of pain, on the island of Calypso the concealer. In respect to Campbell’s hero journey, the epic poem’s first half include Odysseus’ initiation and resurrection (death & rebirth). The second half is Odysseus’ final battle and his return. We never really see his departure per se, though he certainly crosses many thresholds, both accepts and refuses calls to adventure.
MONDAY, February 12
Q&A lecture on books 9 and 10; these sheets will be collected as an exit slip.
Watching the third installment of the Greeks: Crucible of Civilization.
HW: Complete the writing assignment listed in Canvas, due by class on Wednesday
WEDNESDAY, February 7
In-class reading of book 11, probably the creepiest in all literature. Odysseus will meet his dead family members, friends, comrades from the Trojan War. He will also meet significant women and divine figures. Each ghost represents some lesson for Odysseus. What are they?
Finishing the Greeks documentary with the fall of Athens and the end of Greece’s golden age.
HW: Reading books 12, 13, and 14 for class on Tuesday, Feb. 20.