Syllabus for Week of May 12


  • Period 9 will not meet today due to the late start. Those students who need to turn in their themes should do so to me in room 330. In the event I am not in the office at the time, kindly leave your paper on my desk chair (not the desk). 3rd period will begin reading chapter 25 today, and should have finished that chapter by class on Tuesday.
  • HW: By class on Tuesday, we will only have the "Epilogue" left to read, which we will look at during class. I will collect your copy of the novel to grade annotation on Friday. 


  • Today in class, we will read the Epilogue together. We now see how the Invisible Man comes to be in his hole, hiding from society, avoiding the reality of race in 1940s New York, America. 
  • HW: Re-read the prologue and the epilogue together. You will also want to watch the Ellison documentary on the read folder (N Drive:\Read\English\Easton) before class on Friday. 


  • Imagery in Ellison's Invisible Man. After selecting one of the key re-occurring images that Ellison uses symbolically, reading through the novel, scanning for supporting examples. Though you will identify your selected images individually, we will scan for examples in small groups. 
  • HW: Type-up your examples of your chosen image tonight. Spend at least fifteen minutes researching other examples that your might have missed. Due in class tomorrow. 


  • Poems on race in America. Looking at at least four poems that illustrate the themes Ellison explores in his novel.
  • HW: Select one of the four poems, and explicate it carefully. 


  • Novels are due today. Turn it it, make sure your last name and first initial are written in marker, on the end pages. Today we will look at paintings on race in America. After Monday, we'll start our last novel for the school year, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Today we'll look at then presidential candidate Robert Kennedy's speech in Indianapolis, April 4, 1968.
  • HW: Prepare outline for in-class essay on Monday. Bring Gatsby to class on Monday.