Week 2 Syllabus, 8/31/15

BESIDES PAINTING & FILM, we will also study speeches, letters, and poetry. In review, to date we have studied materials related to Native-American: novel (Erdrich's The Round House), short-story (Alexie's "Indian Education"), non-fiction (Zinn's A People's History of the United States), painting (Gast's American Progress), film (Ford's The Searchers) and documentary (Reel Injun).  This week we will start a multi-genre essay using some of the in-class material you generated last Monday.


  •  If you struggled to watch the film over the weekend, you need to review the STILT tutorial on using WebDAV Nav in your ipad. Likewise, you can bring your ipad to lab 224 for direct help with this aspect our our course's technology. We will watch part two of the documentary today.
  • HW: Tonight you will begin reading primary source, non-fiction by Native-American authors: read pages 3, 10, 11, 12, and 57, examples of early Native literature from pre-colonial history to westward expansion. 


  • After finishing the documentary, we will write an in-class paragraph on the film The Searchers. How does Ford use framing to establish negative stereotypes of Native Americans (and positive audience response to the Euro-American homesteaders of Texas? Provide three examples in your own words (indirect citation) that support your claim.  I will also review argumentative structure (warrant-claim-reason-evidence) as well as body paragraph structure. 
  • HW: Finish reading the selections from Monday's homework. Remember to annotate! 


  • Today we will start looking at student examples of argumentative paragraph structure. Students should begin revising their in-class essays to demonstrate the subject of the lecture. 
  • HW: Read page 85, 103-4, 125, 134, 140-1.


  • Discussion of last night's readings, and we will begin looking at Native-American poetry. 
  • HW:  Read page 140-1, 154, 164-165, 168-9


  • Continuing our discussion of last night's readings, and we will explicate more Native-American poetry. 
  • HW: Begin revising your Roundhouse essay. They will be due Wedensday of next week.