Syllabus, November 14

AFTER READING THE CRUCIBLE AND OTHER PURITAN  related literature, what is the MOST important thing to know, and what do you realize about our American literary heritage as a result? This week you will be writing and refining a claim for a paper due one week from Monday. We will start the week by analyzing the Vowell essay, and finish by outlining your arugment.


  • In research groups, you will begin creating a reverse outline for the Vowell selection. This is not homework, but group work to be completed in class. 
  • Review all the documents in the Puritan/Protest packet. We will begin writing claims on Wednesday. 


  • Working again in our research groups to finish your outline. Once done, you will begin reporting out your findings on the three novels.
  • Hone and revise your findings on the three novels. Write and post the first draft of your claim by 8:00 AM tomorrow. 


  • Objective test on Miller's The Crucible. This will be an open book test. 
  • HW: Revising your claim. You should read ALL claims and my response to those claims prior to revising your own. 


  • Discussing revisions to claim. 
  • HW: Drafting and posting supporting reasons to your revised claims. 


  • Reviewing some (not all) of the posted reasons, revising reasons. 
  • HW: First draft of essay is due Monday. Be prepared to read this aloud to your research group circles.