Syllabus for week of October 21


  • Today we will discuss Rama's decision to shoot Vali, and what that episode reveals about the societies that then produced and still values the epic poem.
  • HW: Finish reading chapter nine through eleven of The Ramayana.


  • Discussion of last night's reading. Assigning chapters for values based interpretation/discussion. 
  • HW: Finish reading The Ramayana.


  • What essential lessons does this myth contain? Are these values transcendent, valued universally because of the implications for human experience? Or are they culturally specific?
  • Begin revising the monomyth-film analysis. 


  • All essay revision for most of the time. Introduction to the film "Sita Sings the Blues"
  • HW: Continue to revise monomyth-film analysis. 


  • Watching the aforementioned film. 
  • HW: Continuing to revise the last essay (due Monday) and beginning to brainstorm for the Ramayana essay.