Syllabus for 10/9-13
LAST WEEK: Mr. Easton began to meet individually with scholars to discuss their college essays. We finished reading our first text, The Alchemist. Our next text will be Narayan's modern verse translation of The Ramayana, an Indian epic poem and the story of Rama & Sita's enduring love.
Finishing our reading of "Supernatural Aid" from Campbell. Also, beginning to reflect on the lessons of the text.
HW: Create a cluster/mind-map/chart of Santiago's hero-journey, to be shared in class tomorrow.
The translation of The Ramayana you should purchase looks like this...
Today we will look at the college essay 16 year-old Mr. Easton wrote in the spring of 1986. Short q&a about college essays. Revisions will be due this coming Monday. By the end of the day, everyone should have met with me outside of class to review your essays. Time permitting, we will meet in small groups and compare notes on Santiago's hero journey. Ending with lecture on use of personal narrative as evidence.
Hw: Work on college essay revisions.
No classes for pre-ACT and ACT testing.
HW: Revising college essays. If you haven't purchased your copy of The Ramayana, please purchase it from the NT bookstore...copies are in stock.
- Beginning work on in-class essay on Alchemist. Lecture: how to incorporate both textual evidence and personal experience in an essay. We are meeting in computer lab 377-N.
- HW: Revising college essay.
- Today we will meet in lab 377-N, as we did yesterday. Continuing work on essays on Alchemist. The essay assignment for The Alchemist is simply this: take ONE moment or ONE aphorism from the text that resonates. Explain what it means in the context of the story to Santiago, and then explain what means in the context of your life. Make sure you connect the story to your life experience. 1-2 pages, double-spaced, 1" margins, 12 pt. font.
- HW: Finish revising your college essay. Revision is due Monday.