Syllabus for 4/10 through 4/14

WHEN FORCED INTO A SURVIVAL IS JUNGIAN PSYCHOLOGY’S MAIN situation, his world shrinks. Rather than having the entire world to explore—consider how he explored religious views when in Pondicherry—he has only the lifeboat. It becomes an allegory for Pi’s life in the larger world. His entire existence shrinks, and so his beliefs become magnified. Everything becomes important. Every item in the boat becomes a symbol in his life, every minor pain a matter of life and death, every tiny joy a spasm of ecstasy, every minor accomplishment a triumph worthy of celebration. What does his experiences on the lifeboat mean? How do you interpret his observations while at sea? As you read, take careful notes in response to what he thinks and does while at sea.


  • Starting with an in class journal: Who or what is God? We will then look at chapter n a large circle, we will begin reading chapter two of Jung: A Very Short Introduction, looking at archetypes and the collective unconscious. We will also read chapter seven in Life of Pi.

  • Finish reading part one of Life of Pi.


  • No class for standardized testing.

  • Finishing part one. You will need to be on page 97 for class on Wednesday.


  • Reading through the destruction of the Tsimsum, the ship on which Pi and his family are travelling to Canada from India with the animals from their zoo in Ponodicherry.

  • Read through and including chapter 47 in Life of Pi, page 132.


  • What is a crash at sea like? We will watch part of a survival story, in which a Federal Express executive (Chuck) survives a plane crash into the Pacific Ocean, only to be stranded on an island. Students will then spend some time reading silently from our novel.

  • Read up to chapter 54 in Life of Pi., up to page 156.


  • Dance Day!

  • Read up through chapter 69, or page 199 for class on Monday.