Syllabus for week of October 27

WE HAVE NOW FINISHED revisions of two major essays, your college application essay and a descriptive essay. Starting this week, you will begin brainstorming notes for your own memoir, and will also begin reading a published memoir, analyzing the later for stylistic technique, organization plan, the writer's thumbprint overall. Keep notes in your margins, as I will collect your books, grading these annotations. 


  • Lecture on memory and memoir. Journal: Describe a childhood lunchroom memory. 
  • HW: Finish your memoir reading calendar, and begin reading your memoir. 


  • Beginning to brainstorm about childhood. Turning in reading calendars for your independent memoir reading.
  • HW: Finish reading the story for class on Wednesday. How does Vonnegut create character?


  • In lab 377N to work on college essays. Bring flash drives, memory cards, hard copies of your work for revision. This lab time is to be used collaboratively for writing essays and short responses to college application prompts, NOT for filling out application forms. You should focus your activities upon revision and peer editing, not the writing of first drafts. 
  • HW: Brainstorming activities on your childhood, due Monday. Also, continue reading your memoir. 


  • In lab 377N to work on college essays. Bring flash drives, memory cards, hard copies of your work for revision.
  • HW: Brainstorming activities on your childhood, due Monday. Also, continue reading your memoir. 


  •  In lab 377N to work on college essays. Bring flash drives, memory cards, hard copies of your work for revision. Also, I will need to collect your writer's notebooks today. Please have it with you.
  • HW: Finish brainstorming activities on your childhood, due Monday. Also, continue reading your memoir.