Syllabus for week fo November 10
YOU ARE TO CONTINUE reading your independent memoir, analyzing it for stylistic technique, organization plan, the writer's thumbprint overall. Keep notes in your margins, as I will collect books and grade annotations. We will continue studying narrative as it relates to memoir
- Returning to Short Takes, reading "Footprints on the Flag" by Achee Min.
- HW: In your journal, please complete essay assignment #1, on page 66.
- Reading selections from Hemmingway's In Our Time, as well as the short story, "On the Rainy River."
- HW: Finish reading the O'Brien essay for class on Wednesday. You should also read "Shell-Shocked, and After" for class discussion.
- Discussion: How do these three writers (and soldiers) re-create their memories? What does Hemmingway do? O'Brien? And Herbert Hayden? Discuss their stylistic approaches, as writers. When finished, select one technique and write about a memory from earlier in the week, using that technique (in class journal--number it!)
- HW: Continue reading your memoir.
- Read "Sweatin' for Nothin'" on pages 75-77, and discuss the OTIS questions in small group.
- HW: Type your responses to the OTIS questions, due Friday.
- Read "Have Fun" on pages 79-81, and discuss the OTIS questions in small group.
- HW: Finish OTIS questions, due Monday. Also, continue reading your individual memoir.