Week 10 Syllabus, 3/7/16

WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF LIFE OF PI.  While it may be obvious why Piscene changes his name to Pi, less obvious is why he chooses to re-brand himself in the image of a geometric relationship. This week we will follow Pi as he redefines himself and explores his world view...until his entire world changes, and he is thrown into a world wherein he barely controls his ability to survive. 


  • Examining names as a way of framing identity. We will discuss your names and how they evolved, how Pi envisions himself in his world, how that world is redefined by Mr. Kumar, and how his father further refines that definition with the Goat Demonstration. 
  • HW: The Greek paper is due this Wednesday. Remember the five sources on your works cited page! Read chapters 14-17. I do have the audio for this novel on the shared N-drive: N:\READ\English\Easton\life_of_pi_shackleton\life_of_pi_audio


  • So far, Pi has explored Darwinism as theology. We will discuss chapter 10, describe our ideal habitats in a journal entry, and then listen to a story about the Woods Hole Osprey Project. 
  • HW: Read chapters 18-22. Essay due tomorrow.


  • Now we will discuss his exploration of Christianity. We will watch a part of this video in class, but the remainder you should watch as homework. 
  • HW: Read chapters 23 through 26. You should also finish watching the following; we left off at minute 12.  This is the link to the video.


  • How does Pi interact with Father Martin? Why is Pi drawn to him? What does Pi see in Christianity that he doesn't see in Hinduism?
  • HW: Read chapters 27 through 32


  • Today we will explore Islam and Pi's attraction to Islam. As we did earlier in the year on Hinduism, and earlier in the week with Christianity, we will examine the Muslim faith. 
  • HW: Read chapters 33 through the end of part one.  As with the video earlier this week, you should finish watching the video on Islam. Here is the link.